Re: Fedora12 Release Notes.

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Maybe this will help:

I was not aware of the new release notes format, which is a fantastic 
resource, all Fedora Docs can be found here:

On 01/30/2010 09:38 AM, reg@xxxxxxx wrote:
> What has happened to the concept of release notes that a person could
> actually print down and read?
> Previous releases have had Release Notes that were mabe 20 pages long, with a
> sentence or two about each change.
> I looked at the Release Notes for Fedora12, and its a 500page PDF document.
> Now thats way longer than I want to print, since I would never read it all, and
> there is no way Im going to read more than a page or two of it online.
> So basically, someone has spent a lot of time, generating a very nice looking
> document, which I am sure has a lot of good information in it, but we need
> something more compact. Something I can read in 10minutes.
> As it stands, I have to assume that I, and everyone else just ignores these
> Release Notes.  Too bad.

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