Re: I can't connect via ssh

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John Graham wrote:
Go back to basics - make sure they can ping each other first.

1) What's your network setup? If the two computers connected directly
to each other, make sure the ethernet cable between them is a
crossover cable - a normal ethernet cable will NOT work!

2) If the two are connected to a common switch, can they both ping the
switch? Check the switch's configuration.
You can't ping a switch unless it's a managed switch and has an IP
address.  You can ping the router.
3) If there's more than one switch between the two computers, try
plugging them both into the same switch and see if that works.

4) Is there power to the switch?

5) Are the lights on the ethernet ports flashing when they're supposed to be?
You can use "ethtool eth0" also.  Verify that "Link detected" says 
"yes".  If not, your cable is wrong.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-                       When in doubt, mumble.                       -

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