Re: The "other distro" to offer ppc support!

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gilpel@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Derek Piazza wrote:

I love my PPC Fedora 11 Server!  :-)
Why is it that whatever I say, there always seems to be somebody who's
only purpose is to contradict me? :) To tell you the truth, I wasn't even
aware that Fedora offered a ppc version. I thought this was a typical
Debian weirdos project.

So, tell me, OS X and Fedora being both Unices, what advantage do you see
in using Fedora over OS X?

Now that you know about Linux/Fedora, unless you need specialised software
such as Photoshop or FinalCut, would you invest again in Mac hardware?


PPC is also used to install in CellBE machines like PS3, QS22, etc. And the new Mac OS X is optimized for Intel, so no Snow Leopard on PPC.


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