Resetting File and Directory Permissions To Original Values

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While trying to fix a problem where users of the Fedora version of Wordpress are unable to upload images using the Wordpress screens and code, I spent a lot of time modifying file and directory permissions in /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/*, trying various combinations of user-group-other permissions and ownerships in a vain attempt to get uploads to work in this way. The problem has since been fixed by modifying SELinux file contexts.
Now I'm left with a lot of permissions in /usr... that are no longer set 
to the original permissions and ownerships held by those files and 
folders. Is there an automated way of resetting the permissions back to 
what they once were for all except the uploads directory in question?
Is there a dictionary available that lists the exact permissions that 
should be on every file and folder in /usr?

Bob Cochran

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