Re: debug system freeze

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On 09/07/2009 01:28 PM, brian wrote:
On 09/03/2009 11:11 PM, stan wrote:
On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 22:24:21 -0400
brian<fedora@xxxxxxx> wrote:

I think I'm going to downgrade to 10, all the same. 11 has been way
too big a mess on this box. :-(
Compiling my own custom kernel fixed the problem for me. I tuned the
kernel options for my system, and it has been solid as a rock since (and
more responsive). I'm using the 2.6.30 kernels from updates-testing,
recompiled for my system, and they are working flawlessly. That's
probably a simpler option than downgrading. Using the instructions at
the link below, it is actually quite easy to compile a kernel. Once
you've done it once, it is almost routine. And if you save the config
file, you can just start from where you left off with the next kernel.

Another alternative is to try the F12 Alpha live CD. If it works,
maybe you could hold out with F11 until F12 goes official.

I admit that it hadn't yet occurred to me to try SSH. I'll do that the
next time it locks up.

It just happened again and pinging the computer from another box was 
unsuccessful. I'll look into re-compiling the kernel.
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