firefox file-upload broken?

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Hi all,

F10, firefox-3.0.13.  Don't know if this is a firefox or fedora firefox bug.

Any web developers out there???

Given this html:

    <form><input type='file' /></form>

View that in the browser and you will see an input text box with a "Browse" button.
Click inside the text box.

If your experience matches mine it will act as if the "Browse" button has been pressed and a "File Open" dialog box opens. That is broken with a capital F!
Unfortunately, this means it is no longer possible to drag an image onto 
a file upload box and have its file location entered into the text input 
box.  Instead the image replaces the current page.
So that means forget about plugging in your USB camera and drag-and-drop 
your pictures onto a form.  Gramma's just gonna have to learn about file 
systems.  Ummmmmm, no.  Can't much see that happening ;(
Surprising to see this hasn't been noticed yet (that I know).  Does 
anybody know if this is supposed to be the new behavior or is this just 
a mistake that hasn't been caught?
Waiting for feedback, thanks,
Mike Wright

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