Re: ati drivers fail -- migrating to ubuntu

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On 07/09/09 20:38, Kevin Abbey wrote:

I'd am reluctantly migrating to ubuntu since ati drivers still do not
install in fedora 9, 10, or 11.  I have tried installing the
proprietary ati driver almost every month for the past year and a half
with no success.

I hope that fedora get a new maintainer for this and coordinates
updates with fedora and redhat and ATI,AMD.  If I find the time to
learn this and do it I'll be sure to post it.  So far I have been able
to extract the source and build the driver module but not the complete
package and install.

I've read of others success with the install but can not seem to
reproduce myself.

Alternatively, I'll be using only NVidia cards in the future so that I
can use fedora.

I'm interested to learn opinions on this subject from the fedora community.


I'm still sticking with nVidia chipsets, the drivers seem to be more reliable. Heard some horror stories about ati Linux drivers.

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