Re: bad PNGs, thunderbird and firefox

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On 09/03/2009 10:45 PM, stan wrote:
On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 21:39:14 -0400
brian<fedora@xxxxxxx>  wrote:

On 08/21/2009 10:52 PM, brian wrote:
On 08/21/2009 09:16 AM, brian wrote:

Suddenly, most of the icons in thunderbird and *some* images in ff
are pretty messed up. They appear to be indexed to just 3 colours.
Sometimes, it's predominantly neon green, other times purple or
black. In TB, it's the ones that are highlighted, except for
folders, which look fine. Any icon that's greyed out also appears
normal. Also, the icons in the "write" window i'm typing now in
are ok.
Anyone? Is anbody seeing anything like this? I can't think of what to
look for as *most* images look just fine. So, I can't imagine it's a
problem with X.

I'm not seeing this in FF, don't use TB (F11 x86_64).  It is probably
some obscure interaction between your hardware, its drivers,  and those
applications. i.e. a bug

Are the distortions consistent?  i.e. do the same icons and images
always have the same distortion?
Yes & no. Sometimes, both apps display things just fine. But, when they 
misbehave, it's always the same images. In TB, for instance, the images 
that are screewed up are the menu icons at top, except for the trash and 
printer. eg.

In the folders list, it's all of the icons except that for "Drafts" & folders. However, the manner of distortion changes slightly: sometimes everything is predominantly purple and other times kind of a caustic green. But it's always the same icons, which suggests to me that it's something specific to how those files are interpreted.
With FF, again, it's always the same images. The difference is that the 
icons are all fine and the problem is only with content images. Both PNG 
& JPG are affected (I haven't noticed any GIFs) so that's a bit confusing.

Note that FF has gone green while TB is purple today.

What if you save an image that is distorted and open it with an image
viewer?  Still distorted?
I opened an example image from FF in both GIMP and EoG and it was 
displayed fine.
Do you have any strange configuration options set?  Effects plugins

What if you start firefox in safe mode?
firefox -safe-mode
(bad option design!).
Once I came across a bad image in FF, I restarted in safe mode and 
browsed back to it. It was still bad. (It's "--safe-mode", btw)
I have not come across anything similar in any other apps.

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