Re: rogue suspend is driving me nuts

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On 09/04/2009 04:58 AM, Andras Simon wrote:
On 9/4/09, brian<fedora@xxxxxxx>  wrote:
On 08/31/2009 07:48 PM, brian wrote:
On 08/31/2009 06:05 PM, Tony Nelson wrote:
If you can't solve the problem, and you don't need fancy Power
Management services, you can `yum remove gnome-power-manager`. I did
that and also removed gnome-screensaver, replacing both with
xscreensaver. I don't use suspend or hibernate, but I do want the
display to sleep, and, as a bonus, I get better looking screensavers.
I did lose the ability to switch users without first unlocking the

OK, I've done that. I should know by tomorrow if it worked, as this box
has been shutting down several times a day.
After a couple of days, it looks like this did the trick. Thanks.
If removing gnome-power-manager did the trick, then maybe it's just
the it was set to initiate suspend when the machine was idle for some


Yeah, I'd checked it several times. It was not. Sorry, I should have 
mentioned that (I had in my earlier post, I think).
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