Completely broken Info reader

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Hi everyone,

This has been broken (probably only on x86_64 systems) for months now[1]. Even updates to those Bug reports hasn't helped[2]. The bug reports had reported problems with only the top dir nodes not showing any menus, but now I i have been seeing similar glitches in other info files too, e.g.
This is what I see when I go through the "Introduction" node in the bash 
manual, (the story is the same with many other nodes, including the bash 
top node)
1 Introduction

* Menu:

--zz-Info: (, 8 lines --All----------------------------
2 completions:
What is a shell?    What is Bash?

-----Info: *Completions*, 3 lines --All-----------------------------------------
Menu item: What is
Not just this, almost every other node keeps on vanishing like this. 
This is not limited to, I have seen this in other info files 
too. To boot, all these show up perfectly when I view it in emacs. So 
the problem must be in the info reader and not the info files.
Anyone else seen any of this?



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