Re: Fedora11: Plans for updated mesa/xorg packages ?

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On 09/03/2009 03:10 PM, Terry Barnaby wrote:
On 09/03/2009 02:11 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
On 09/03/2009 01:34 PM, Terry Barnaby wrote:
Does anyone know if there is a plan to release updated
xorg/mesa packages for F11 any time soon ?
The F11 ones are very broken, at least for ATI radeon based systems.
I have been using code from freedesktops git sources
(drm,mesa,xf86-video-ati) and this is now getting there, at least
blender works !
However, the changes needed to the stock F11 are now getting larger
(xserver update) and it would be good to have an RPM based system
again !
Do you have bugzilla numbers so we know what breakage you are talking


There are a large number of ATI R200/R300/R500 bugs listed in Freedesktop's
bugzilla. Two that I have had dealings with are: 21774 and 23232, however
due to heavy development in the xorg/mesa packages there are a lot more
than that. Before using the git sources for drm/mesa,xf86-video-ati I had
various crashes, hangs, system lockups and pixel errors on the screen on
both R300 and R200 based systems. I think it is the same for Intel
graphics as well. I don't like using raw git/non RPM code on my systems,
but, without the git xorg/mesa code F11 is unworkable for me.

Unfortunately the bug, 23232, requires a more recent XOrg XServer. This has
heavy system dependencies and would require me to do a lot of work in
many packages right down to OpenSSL ...

It seems, to me, that the XOrg/Mesa code has got a lot better since the
code F11 was based on and a F11 update is due. It would certainly help
me and many others ...



So are there any plans for updated mesa/xorg packages for F11 ?

Looking at the Mesa and freedesktop mail lists, Mesa is just branching its
7.6 branch for stable/bug fixing and Xorg is stabilising for release
1.7 of the XServer.

Sounds like a good time for Fedora 11 to update to the latest ...
Is there any road map or plans for F11 somewhere ?



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