Re: F11 OS Instability? Twice now, the system locks out!

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On 09/03/2009 05:17 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
On Thursday 03 September 2009 23:51:50 Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
On 09/03/2009 10:28 AM, James Wilkinson wrote:
Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
The last time I had a system lock-out was several
weeks ago, and just today, I experienced another.
Which graphics card are you running?
Onboard Intel 945G/GZ chipset

   Which driver?
Latest from Fedora updates.
I believe the last two lines explain the issue. Search the list archives and
the internet --- the Intel graphics drivers became more than unusable, since
Fedora 10 time (basically, with the transition from XAA to EXA). The situation
has improved significantly by now, in the sense that today the driver locks up
on a monthly basis rather than every 15 minutes, and the luckiest people do
not experience any more lockups at all.

The Intel drivers are going through a major code rewriting, and at some point
in future may become stable enough again. Until then, consider yourself lucky
enough if it hangs only once per month. Reboot and continue.

You also might try to force the old, XAA acceleration, or disable 3D
acceleration completely, in xorg.conf. This might eliminate the lockups, while
at the same time degrade performance of the graphics card (and Intel doesn't
have too much performance to begin with, anyway...).

Or you may look inside /var/log/Xorg.0.log* to see if there is any backtrace
of X or similar, and work from there.

Of course, maybe I am barking up the wrong tree, it is possible that the
problem lies elsewhere. But given that you have Intel graphics, X logs are the
first place to look for signs of trouble.

HTH, :-)
Since I have had a hung system every morning that I wake up,
I have tested to see if I could stop this problem by not allowing
certain applications to be running.

Keep in mind, that my F11 is heavily loaded with
(almost everything), but stock programs.

I turned off Banshee, Amarok, Firefox, Thunderbird, and left
my gnome screensaver running and set it to 'random'.

It did not hang overnight.

It's a bit early as I have further testing to do and try to
'divide & conquer' to see which applications is causing
this problem.


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