Problem with alsa-PCM level in pulseaudio

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  On my F10 box, I just had an issue (after a reboot) with music coming out 
nastily distorted.  At least no my box, this usually means that the alsa PCM 
control is too high/max.
  However, I can see no legitimate way of accessing that now that my box is 
set up to use pulseaudio.  alsamixer just shows the one  control, being the 
main volume.  The pulseaudio mixer doesn't help ,it just makes the disorted 
music quieter.

I resorted to an ancient build of gnome-alsa-mixer I still have installed which still seems to work; this showed me all the old alsa entries, and lo-and-behold PCM was maxed out. I dropped it back to ~%80-90 and the problem was sorted.

So what am I missing? What should I have done (if gnome-alsa-mixer weren't around)? Should I need some extra alsa black magic to still show up the PCM control in alsamixer?

(with apologies if at any point I seem to know what I'm talking about but don't!)
[neil@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[neil@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[neil@fnx ~]# exit

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