Re: howto play audio here and hear it there

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Tim wrote:
Hmm, and for the rest of us that have proper networks, and don't want
to run zeroconf, we can't do networked pulse audio?
Marko Vojinovic:
Forgive my ignorance, but why is running avahi a problem? It was on by
default in all Fedora installations that I can remember ever
One more thing running on a system that's already got far too many
daemons running.

Auto-network configuration can bite you on the bum when you start up
your computer, and it doesn't connect to your own network like it should
do.  e.g. The server was temporarily down, or inaccessible, then other
things (the rest of your PCs) configure themselves in an incompatible
way.  This is very bad for non-technical users, who think that the
network is fine, when it's not.

Quoting from the service itself, pay particular note to the last
sentence:  "This is a daemon which runs on client machines to perform
Zeroconf service discovery on a network.  avahi-daemon must be running
on systems that use Avahi for service discovery. Avahi-daemon should not
be running otherwise."

Ahhhhh, thank you, Tim.

I've always had NOZEROCONF=yes in /etc/sysconfig/network but noticed that in f10 routes for on all physical network cards were created *anyway*. That explains that mystery. Good-bye avahi-daemon.
Sometimes it feels like fedora is becoming windows...


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