Re: So far I am not impressed with F11

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On 09/02/2009 01:38 PM, Randall J. Berry wrote:
So far F11 has been nothing short of a pain for me. I have had more issues with this one release than I have for all of the preceding releases combined.

Next comes the issues with streaming audio or video. Since the update of Firefox 3.1 to 3.1.1 all streaming media (youtube and the like) played through the browser crashes at random points within the stream usually locking up the browser for a period of time and the audio/video does not return to normal. I tried to uninstall Firefox 3.1.1 and reinstall Firefox 3.1 but that did not work Firefox simply ceased to work.

Streaming video was crashing for me too. After trying the different 
plugins (Adobe flash, swfdec, xine-plugin) rolling back the 
nspluginwrapper to version 1.3.0-5 fixed the problem.
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