Re: Booting Fedora from inside windows

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On 08/31/2009 06:27 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
john wendel wrote:
Is there a way to boot a real OS on a windows box (without using a VM)?

I'm looking for a way to boot Fedora on a hostile windows XP box. The
windows box is locked down with a BIOS password, won't boot a CD,
disabled usb ports, and no way for me to install any windows programs.
I believe the Ubuntu thing that runs Linux from windows requires the
installation of a windows program, so it won't work in this environment.

Maybe. You may be able to plug in a USB thumb drive and then hit a key
at boot time which takes you into a "boot manager" which bypasses the
locked down BIOS choice. Some BIOS configs have it, some don't, some ask
for the BIOS password.

If you can plug in a USB drive you can run one of the distributions
which run using Windows as a microkernel (colinux) and executed off the
USB drive. This does not use virtualization, at least in the usual sense
of a virtual machine, and is about as fast as any Linux on bare iron.

There are articles on colinux, microkernel, etc.

Interesting, I'll investigate further.

Since the malware creeps seem to be able to install whatever they want on a Windows box, there should be a way to get Fedora running.


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