Re: Monitor does not go into standby when in X

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Steven Stern wrote:
> I had some time this morning, so after getting everything up2date, I
> tried this:
> 1.  Rebooted into level3.  Sat at the login prompt for about 5 minutes
> and watched my monitor go into standby.  Cool.  So the system *can* do it.
> 2.  Logged in and waited a while.  Monitor went into standby again.  So,
> it's not a matter of being logged in.
> 3.  Rebooted into level5.  Logged in.  Waited 45 minutes.  Screen saver
> comes on, then screen goes blank, but the monitor power button is green,
> not yellow.
> It appears that either X or gnome-power-manager is just refusing to put
> the monitor into standby.

It would be really useful if you said which version of Fedora you are using!

Anyway if it is F11 there are known issues with X and going into standby and
there is an update that may help you. 
If you want to try the update in F11 then as root do:
yum --enablerepo updates-testing update xorg-x11-server-Xorg

This fixed similar issues that I had using F11 in one machine.
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