Re: F11: Fedora Eclipse: SVN fails to connect to any svn repository: Hangs.

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On 08/26/2009 09:00 AM, Andrew Overholt wrote:
Hi Dan,

I checked.  It does not work at all.
You love the inflammatory subjects and statements,eh?  :)
Was that a joke?  It was specifically on SVN and perhaps a
localized problem, i.e. maybe it's just me! :)
FWIW, as usual, everything works perfectly fine for me.
How does one get the latest updates with Fedora's
version of Eclipse w/o trashing Fedora's Eclipse
yum update?  I assume you mean the issue with .eclipse and the 3.4
series of Eclipse.  Did you try temporarily moving ~/.eclipse out of the
way to see if that is indeed the problem?

I assume you're using Subclipse from Fedora?  Perhaps Robert Marcano,
the Fedora eclipse-subclipse package maintainer, has an idea?

Yes, F11 is fully "yum update"ed.

It is strange.  I have 3 versions of Eclipse, the F11 Fedora,
Ganymede SR-2, and Galileo.

I also have my workspaces assigned to /f-App1/Projects/Eclipse/WS
and within WS, I have directories: Fedora, Ganymede, and Galileo, with
subdirectories containing workspaces as: wsp1->wspX so the I can
avoid version collisions.

The following are the steps I took, in order.

I ran Ganymede, it was working fine once I assigned the proper
workspace.  I checked to make sure that CVS & SVN worked, it did.

I ran Galileo, worked fine and good results with CVS/SVN.

I ran F11-Fedora AS IS - NO CHANGES, not even an update
within F11-Fedora-Eclipse, since I was not clear how to update
properly without damaging it.  It uses subclipse + subversion
client/native + SVNKit.  I checked over and over - Subclipse
spins it's wheels, chewing up CPUs (I have two, so both CPUs
are chewing hard) - so only a kill will terminate it.

Then, I went back to Ganymede and noticed that even though
the startup splash appeared, it loaded the components, but strangely,
it created a $HOME/Desktop/Projects folder with the "wsp1" contents,
and popped open an empty window and stood there, silently. Recall, that
previously I had specified the WS completely outside of $HOME, so
unless the workspace-switcher changed gears, I can't tell.  Most strange.

Yes, I am juggling around with $HOME/.eclipse, $HOME/workspace
and so on - to no avail.  I went further.  I brought out of archives
backup my known good zipped up Ganymede-SR2 and tried that
out and got the same "no-startup" problem.

So, F11-Fedora-Eclipse sort of works, Ganymede is "hosed", and
Galileo is "happy as a clam" ;)


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