Re: F11: No longer getting auto-mounted drive partitions to /media?

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On 08/25/2009 05:05 PM, Tim wrote:
On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 10:05 -0700, jack craig wrote:
FWIW, i had problem with my SD media not auto mounting on insertion;
this was resolved by labeling the filesystem on the media.
not exactly on topic, but maybe useful, ...
Have we got a pain free method of relabelling Windows file systems, yet?
In reply to the above (jack craig), I don't think it is a labelling issue,
but rather, something that needs to be configured, somewhere to
let fuse know what one wants mounted into /media.

In reply to Tim,  I find that multi-booting into the M$ Oses
solves the labelling of the NTFS partitions, at least safely,
and also that using the M$ native chkdsk is probably safer
than relying on linux's ntfs 'check' implementation.

I also found that say, you have music files in your NTFS
partition, and you want to use a music-tagger program like
'Easytag' while in linux, it will not work well - and in fact may
totally screw things up, so in this case, I have to copy over
the music files from the NTFS partitions over to the extX
partitions, run EasyTag there, then when done, move it
back - works like a charm.  It's a little pain, but it works.

So I am so grateful for linux's NTFS support - not bad
but there are things to watch out for when expecting linux
programs to work properly on NTFS partitions.


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