Re: problem with replacing kernel

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mohammed shambakey wrote:
I need the old kernel to install ChronOS (which is based on this old one, it can be found at
the following errors appear:-
unable to access resume device
mount: could not find file system
setuproot: mounting /dev failed: no such file or directory
setuproot: error mounting /proc: no such file or directory
setuproot: error mounting /sys: no such file or directory
switchroot: mount failed: No such file or directory

2009/6/29 Veli-Pekka Kestilä <fedora@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:fedora@xxxxxxxxx>>

    mohammed shambakey wrote:

        Hi all
        I have fedora 8 installed, and I want to use Linux kernel from <>
        <>, instead of (I just
        need it). But after I install it and try to reboot, the system
        gives me errors about mounting somethings and a BIOS error.
        Plz help.

    Two questions,

    why you want to use the older kernel
    and is there some big reason to stay in unsupported F8?

    Anyway you should also post the errors if you want more help. As
    there could be quite many things that can go wrong.


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Could be that you have problems with your initrd-image. Have you created it?
Also check that you have all the filesystem related things in kernel you need like lvm, ext3, etc. compiled correctly. As the error sounds like it can't find either the initrd-image and/or root filesystem.
If nothing else helps you could download the Fedora kernel source 
package and fix it so that it uses the kernel patches of ChronOS (Will 
probably need quite much tinkering).
In any case you should ask the people maintaining that ChronOS that 
which distribution they use and use that. It will save you with lot of 
headaches in future. These scientific projects can be really picky on 
which platform they run in addition to kernel version.

PS. Don't top post. It's quite rude to do so in this list.

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