Re: problem with replacing kernel

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mohammed shambakey writes:

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Hi all
I have fedora 8 installed, and I want to use Linux kernel from <URL:>, instead of (I just need it). But after I install it and try to reboot, the system gives me errors about mounting somethings and a BIOS error.
Plz help.
You cannot just drop a stock kernel into Fedora and expect it to work. 
mkinitrd does quite a bit of work in order to assemble an initrd containing 
all the kernel modules that are required to boot your system. Fedora kernels 
are built minimalist, and mkinitrd gets invoked when the kernel gets 
installed. mkninitrd examines your hardware and configuration files, and 
assembles the initrd image that loads the kernel modules you need.
If you want to install a custom kernel you will need to do a fair bit of 
work in order to identify which kernel modules you need, and build a kernel 
that includes the necessary kernel modules. Nobody can tell you what they 
are, you have to figure it out yourself, by pulling apart your existing 
initrd, seeing which modules it loads, and then building a kernel that 
includes those modules.

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