Re: Help: F11 anaconda doesn't see my hard drives

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David Timms writes:

On 06/28/2009 11:10 AM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
4) Anaconda sees neither the softraid partitions, nor the actual
underlying /dev/sd? devices at all.
When you say softraid, you mean linux software raid, rather than bios raid or hardware raid ?
Yes. Linux softraid.

Maybe it is related to:
No. I am not doing a kickstart install.

And I succesfully updated two other machines with F10 installed on Linux softraid, to F11.
Something in Anaconda is failing to see the second and the third drive on a 
machine with the first drive being an IDE drive, and the 2nd and the 3rd 
drive being SCSI drives. It doesn't see the drives, but I can flip over to 
the ALT-F2 shell, and run mdadm --assemble --scan. mdadm ends up creating 
/dev/md125, /dev/md126, and /dev/md127 (!), rather than /dev/md[012], but I 
can mount them manually and see my existing F10 partitions.
So, Anaconda is not even assembling my existing RAID arrays. I can assemble 
them manually, but Anaconda does not see them.

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