Is it possible to use displays with touch sensors as A input devices in Fedora 11.1?

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Dear users of Fedora,

I would like to valuably ask You, if Fedora 11.1 with Gnome desktop environment or with KDe can use displays with touch sensors as an input device. I found out, that some application for activating some input is awaylable in The Gnome menu.
My next question.

COuld be used even multitouch technology with this display with touch sensors connected to A computer? Or this feature is not awaylable yet. Multi-touch technology would enable not only physically impaired computer users, to control whole Gnome or KDe desktop and it's applications. How expensive is The display with touch sensors? And how complex would be to develope new Fedora compatible driver for this device?
If there are some supported displays, please send me it's exact model and 
The manufacturer of this device.
Thank ou for Your help.
The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

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