Third release in a row - sound works at release, die after "upgrade"

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For the third release in a row, a release which worked for recording from line or microphone at the initial release has stopped after installing the first round of updates. Is working sound input considered a bug which must be stamped out quickly?
I looked at the alsamixer, the advanced mixer, the PA volume, nothing has 
changed except that no sound is recorded. Tried, sox, tried sound recorder, 
tried tried audacity, nothing gets any signal.
Also, the ability to select output mode vanished, at install I had mono, 2ch, 
5.1ch, surround, 7.1ch, etc. Now I have no choices, obviously someone made the 
user interface simpler to avoid all those confusing choices.
I would be less pissed-off if this weren't the third release in a row where this 
exact thing has happened.
No, I didn't supply details, I'm am tired of constantly fighting with three 
mixers and volume controls and zero useful documentation. If no one in the 
project can see that having alsmixer, advanced mixer, and retarded (PA) mixer is 
complexity worthy of the 70's, then I have to think that the distribution is for 
hackers only, Fedora sound input seems best suited to mimes. Clearly Fedora is 
not (or no longer) for people who want to use their sound system instead of 
configure it.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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