Re: Error running Maple 7 on Fedora 10

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On Mon, 22 Jun 2009, William M. Quarles wrote:

Did you read the error message that I had posted? The files that cannot be found are from glibc-2.9-3, yet they are installed.
Two thoughts;

1) try setenforce 0 - selinux can sometimes cause things not to work in unexpected ways if you aren't looking for this sort of permission problem. setenforce 1 or a reboot will reenable it (if it was on in the first place)
2) does it make any difference if you install the glibc-devel package 
(some applications look for .so files rather than more versioned 
2a) if you are on an x86_64 machine and maple isn't also x86_64, do you 
have the glibc.i386 (or i686?) package installed?
	Michael Young

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