Re: Virtual Box install problem on FC10

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Yoram Halberstam wrote:

I've tried, unsucessfully, to install Sun Virtual Box on my FC10. It's a bit
of a funny install where you have to install the package and then compile it
for your system... Very well, I'm not a Linux expert so I suspect it has to
do with virtualization in the kernel.
Hello, Yoram,

I just installed VirtualBox onto an f10 system and was amazed at how easily/completely it was done, including setting up the user and appropriate devices.
I can't speak to any special requirements you may have, but for me it 
went without a hitch.
Straight from the horse's mouth:

There are fedora installs for 7 through 11.

The user manual is in .pdf; section 2.3 covers Linux installs.

Sun is to be credited for a job well done.


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