Re: how to install wmware in foedora 64

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David wrote:
On 6/6/2009 6:02 PM, Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
He was not talking about VMware Server. I, personally, have never used
it. Something that bothers me here though, unless it is a 'different
languages' thing is that the OP said that "it's too complicated to
install vmware in fedora 64". If it's too complicated to install then
how will it be trying to run it?
Not sure what the big difference is in all of VMWare's different 
products.  I run Windows XP under VMWare Server.  That sure sounds like 
what the OP wants to do.  Why would I want to use any of the other 
offerings from VMWare?
Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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