Re: how to install wmware in foedora 64

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David wrote:
On 6/5/2009 11:50 PM, Nathan Huang wrote:
VMware is closed source and expensive. About $200.00 American dollars
for a license that is good for one release and a discount on the update
to the next release only. Third update is full price again.
Maybe for business pricing, but when I installed VMWare server, I was 
able to obtain (from VMWare) 10 licenses for free.  I'd upgraded twice 
since then (once from the .i386 to the .x86_64 RPM) and no cost has been 
associated with it, nor has my working license "expired".
Now, I must admit, that my Windows XP vmware-image came from my vendor, 
but as long as you already have a virtual OS set up, there is no cost to 
upgrade.  I haven't tried to create a new image either (which I assume I 
can just put one of my remaining 9 licenses towards).
An application that is very similar, free of cost and open source, is

Located here.

Very easy to install and to use.

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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