Re: AVC Denial icon

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Mike Wright wrote:
Hi all,

I've always avoided SELinux, but with the advent of f10 I've decided to drink the kool-aid; however, it hasn't always been sweetened.
I've been getting these popups:


AVC Denial

Click on icon to view

Where is this icon supposed to appear? If it is on one of the standard taskbars I must have deleted it before I realized it might be useful :(
I tried to re-add it but it doesn't appear to be one of the available 
Anybody know how to restore it?
It only pops up on the toolbar when an avc denial occurs.  It's the big 
gold star on the toolbar.  Click on it.
If you want to bring it up anytime under Gnome:

	Applications->System Tools->SELinux Troubleshooter

- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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- A friend said he climbed to the top of Mount Rainier.  My view is  -
-    that if there's no elevator, it must not be that interesting.   -

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