Re: Graphics card recommendation?

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A quick Google indicates that your motherboard has 3 PCI slots and 1 AGP 8x slot.
You will have an 'easier' time finding AGP cards.

I have leaned towards ATI cards in the past, but recent experiences have changed my mind.
I'd suggest searching eBay for nVidia AGP cards ... base your decision  
on how much you want to pay.
If you can part with around $40 US, you can find nVidia Quadro FX 2000  
cards that will knock your socks off (yes, OVERKILL).
It's a serious workstation class card that will easily handle ANY game  
your Grand Daughter can throw at it!
Other options would be an nVidia 'consumer' class card - GeForce FX  
5200 (or higher, like 6200, etc.) w/128MB or more RAM.

Would do nicely.  (no relationship with seller, just a random search)


+----------------------------[ Joe.Kazura@xxxxxxx ]---+
| Joe Kazura                                          |
| CIS/TCS -- 1 Leavitt Lane    PHONE: +1-603-862-2012 |
| University of New Hampshire                         |
| Durham, NH  03824-3512  USA    "docendo discimus"   |
|                                                     |
+-----------------[ ]---------+

On Jun 1, 2009, at 5:25 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:

Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

On Mon, 2009-06-01 at 15:19 +0100, Sharpe, Sam J wrote:
2009/6/1 Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallaghan@xxxxxxxxx>:
T&L capability
Texture and Lighting capability.

While I agree that it's a stupid acronym, it's part of a fairly
generic "you can't run this game because..." error which has been
pasted verbatim.
Fair enough, though I wonder how many non-gamers would recognize it.
As the OP, I had never heard of T&L and am certainly no gamer,
but that is what the error log complains of.
As far as I can see, it is a standard acronym,
and it would be as odd to call it Texture and Lighting
as it would be to call PCI <whatever PCI stands for>.

Which reminds me - apparently there is a second hurdle
I have to get over, which is to distinguish between PCI and PCI-E.
I think the Asus K8V-MX motherboard I am concerned with
provides PCI slots, not PCI-E.

Also there is something about AGP, but I'm not sure
how significant that is, or if it is universal nowadays.

Graphics cards are much more complicated than I thought.

Timothy Murphy
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

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