Tosh wrote:
Don Raikes wrote:
Hi all,
I have fedora 9 installed on my gateway desktop and it was working
fine except for the fact that my video card died.
I just installed a new nvidia 7200gs card (the nvidia 84000gs card
wouldn't fit).
Now when I try to run gnome, I get a message saying no devices were
found. I am assuming I need to install some drivers, but cannot find
any for linux 32-bit.
Does anyone know where those pesky drivers are?
First login in runtime 3 and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
The line Containing should be changed to "Driver vesa" (no quotes needed)
Now you reboot (or restart X) and login, you will be able to run an X
environment, but you will nog have any drm or 3d support
For that download your driver at :
yum install kernel-devel
and then run the file downloaded from nvidia
I seem never to have any luck being able to use the standard yum
procedure, the above works always for me, but adds more work as you
need to do this every time your kernel changes
Wouldn't it be just better to use the rpmfusion packaged ones. And I
even remember there have been mentioned on this list that the driver
directly from nvidia can break things in your system.
Just install the rpmfusion:
su -c 'rpm -Uvh'
And use instructions in here to install the correct driver for your
I have never had problems with rpmfusion drivers except that they
usually update for the new kernel day or two later than it's out for
fedora, but I have been able to live with that. And as extra benefit you
can just uninstall them with yum when there is some problems.
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