Re: Call for vote: Nautilus use Browser view for fedora 11

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Mark wrote:

Redhat is eager to change things when they might get in trouble if
they have it in.. like codec support.  You guys are killing out more
then enough in other packages to save your own asses and you tell us
that you want to follow upstream..
If a software is not included at all in Fedora, then there is no 
modification and upstream is preserved as it is. For many others like in 
the case of gstreamer, the extra codecs or functionality is separated 
cleanly as plugins and we don't have to modify anything but only pick 
and choose, what we can include. Only as a last resort, is something 
patched and that is because it is the only legal choice at that point. 
It is still a unfortunate divergence and adds a ongoing  maintenance 
overhead for the package maintainers. Adding more pain to the problem 
doesn't make sense.

i agree on that with CODE changes.
i disagree on that with config changes! config things are just the the
values set by the creators that they think are best to use. That
doesn't make them THE best settings out there. Don't be so freaking
hard on config changes!
Code and configuration cannot be easily separated like this and changes 
always have a associated cost. Atleast in one package I maintain, a very 
small and simple configuration change resulted in a potential security 
hole (only in rawhide for a short while but still ..)
I am just trying to get a clear signal out that there is something in
fedora that the people using fedora want to see different
It doesn't seem the right path to doing that, to me.


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