Re: RPM Fusion needs help/RPM Fusion only is as good as its contributors make it

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On 17.12.2008 08:21, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
On 17.12.2008 07:53, Kam Leo wrote:
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:07 PM, Thorsten Leemhuis
<fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Here's a freebie: Borrow from Livna's install script. It already has
provisions for smart and apt.
Guess what: it's not free -- packaging it/adding it to the existing 
packages can easily sum up to and hour or two of work (sometimes even 
more if you want to do them properly; see for example). Which 
brings me to the point I outlined earlier: "nearly nobody wants to do 
the boring things or things that are only useful for other people"
Even worse: Seems the latest livna-release you get from these days also dropped support for smart and apt; 
I guess the livna people will readd it if somebody sends tested patches.
One more detail: The old Livna package iirc has a bug: It leaves unowned 
directories behind on uninstall or owns a directory that is owned by a 
different package. That is something a lot of developers dislike (not 
only because it might leave directories behind after uninstall; it also 
can lead to problems if the permissions of that directory conflic). That 
are more reasons why
 * it not a freebie / it's not that easy to grab the bits from the 
livna package
 * takes so long

IOW: Not everything is as easy as it might look like.


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