Re: What are these F-10 boot slides?

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: What are these F-10 boot slides?
From: Anne Wilson <annew@xxxxxxx>
To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: 12/16/2008 11:22 AM

Well, on my netbook it has been spectacularly unsuccessful.  The boot time is 
horrifically long.  It seems that it first tries to bring up my wireless 
connection, failing miserably, then it tries to mount my 3 defined nfs mounts.  
Two of them are always available, one is not always.  Instead of a reasonably 
short wait time, then moving on, it seems to wait a very long time.  If 
anyone's interested I'll time it.  Failing gracefully is something it needs to 

The whole NFS startup procedure was left in without any changes with 
respect to NetworkManager taking the reins in network device control. I 
tried searching for a bug on it, but I didn't see anything. I know 
NetworkManager will automount NFS upon IP configuration, so there needs 
to be investigation into whether the NFS init scripts can be modified to 
include #if $NetworkMananger eq 1; exit 0; instead of processing normally.

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