Re: Volgroup00 not found

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Timothy Murphy wrote, On 12/13/2008 10:37 AM:
Braden McDaniel wrote:

I'm probably out of my depth,
but what happens if you boot with Knoppix or some other Linux CD,
and say "sudo vgchange -a y" ?
I don't have a live CD handy; but doing that from rescue mode didn't
seem to have any effect. Of course, by the time I'm in rescue mode,
the filesystems have been located and mounted under /mnt/sysimage. If
any of the logical volumes weren't marked as available, they wouldn't
be locatable during rescue, would they?
As I said, I'm not sure if I am talking sense,
but my impression is that "vchange -a y" will tell you
what LVM volumes can be found,
and make "available" any that are not already available.

I found during a long saga preupgrading from F-9 to F-10 on a SCSI machine
that for some reason my LVM partitions were not found at one point,
and vgchange brought them to light.

Actually, I have had a few problems with LVM during system upgrades,
and have reluctantly decided to withdraw from the LVM world.
The advantages are greatly outweighed by the disadvantages, in my case.
If "vchange -a y" does not do it, IIRC I had to a "vgscan -v" and then 
"vchange -a y VOLNAME" that vgscan showed.
Unless a person is running a >1 PB monster drive or a system where they play 
about with VMs and new file systems, I have decided that the trouble in 
maintenance modes completely outweighs any benefit of LVM.
Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter

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