Re: Volgroup00 not found

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Quoting Timothy Murphy <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Braden McDaniel wrote:

After installing F10 and rebooting, I get "Volgroup00 not found".

I installed F10 over an existing Fedora installation. (I did not
perform an upgrade.) I can boot to rescue mode and things seem to be
mounted okay under /mnt/sysimage. What can I do to fix this?
I'm probably out of my depth,
but what happens if you boot with Knoppix or some other Linux CD,
and say "sudo vgchange -a y" ?
I don't have a live CD handy; but doing that from rescue mode didn't  
seem to have any effect. Of course, by the time I'm in rescue mode,  
the filesystems have been located and mounted under /mnt/sysimage. If  
any of the logical volumes weren't marked as available, they wouldn't  
be locatable during rescue, would they?
Braden McDaniel                           e-mail: <braden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
<>                    Jabber: <braden@xxxxxxxxxx>

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