Re: E-mail Server

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Leon Vergottini wrote:

I have been tasked to commissioned an e-mail server in the first quarter of next year. I got this task because I am the only one at work that plays and have a small bit of understanding of how Linux work. So, I am on a research spree. I have already had a look at the following sites:
The Linux document project
How to forge

I do not ask for step by step instructions, although it will be nice, however I ask that you guys will point me to resources on the internet that may help me in this regard.
If you want something appliance-like where you just add users and 
everything works, look at SME server from

It is mostly based on Centos (as others have suggested for stability) but modified so all administration is through a simple web interface. It can also provide many other services but it would be reasonable to deploy strictly as a mail server if you want.
  Les Mikesell

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