Re: howto run badblocks using fedora rescue mode

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Neal Becker wrote:
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

Neal Becker wrote:
Problem is, using fedora install disk in rescue mode mounts the
file system I want to check. I tried remounting them ro, but it
still would not allow

e2fsck -c -c

There are a number of fs mounted to my hard disk, such as /dev,
/dev/pts, /selinux, and more.

Try unmounting hte file system first.

That's the problem.  /dev, /dev/pts, /selinux, and more are all mounted to the system I need to check.

I don't think fedora rescue mode used to act like this.  That's not very useful for fixing a broken system.
Boot in rescue mode, but do NOT let it mount your existing system at
/mnt/sysimage.  You can then "e2fsck -c -c /dev/sda1" or whatever the
partition is.  It won't be mounted anywhere, so e2fsck can do its thing.

BTW, this is the way rescue mode has always worked.  You're probably
used to selecting "Yes" when asked if you want to mount the existing
system (so you can do "grub-install" and such from a "chroot
/mnt/sysimage" environment).
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
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