Re: FC9 - recent upgrade breaks NFS

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Bill Davidsen wrote:
> I try not to be a whiner, but this is about the forth time in a few months
> that 
> someone has released a package without ever testing it on a system with
> SElinux 
> enabled. Some of those may be multiple reports, but at least three
> required 
> policy changes.

Maybe as more people run Fedora with SElinux enabled there will be an
increasing amount of testing in that mode. However I have a feeling that the
percentage of boxes running SElinux enforcing must be quite low at the
moment, as many people switch it off soon after an install as they can't be
bothered to fix SElinux related issues that arise. But now that SElinux is
on by default in the past year and targeted policy is getting ever more
tuned towards having things "just work" take up might increase over the next
year or so as more people accept it after installing newer versions of

There does seem to be an increasing number of SElinux related requests for
help in recent months which may indicate that this is the case - anyone have
any statistics on this?
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