anyone have bluetooth working?

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Ever since the move from Fedora 9 to Fedora 10, I haven't had working bluetooth. I suspect it's the dbus issues, which even after today's updates are still not resolved, but I want to see if anyone else has it working.
I have two systems both with an ASUS Bluetooth 2.0 adapter and neither 
one of them displays the adapter in the Preferences menu under the 
bluetooth tray icon. The kernel modules are getting loaded. 
/var/log/messages display bluetoothd registering interfaces and says 
"Adapter /org/bluez/2027/hci0 has been enabled" so it /looks/ like it 
should work, but the tray icon is completely empty and I cannot scan for 
However, if I use the hcitool program for scanning, I can find devices.

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