Re: F10: Unrequested automatic installation ::rant

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Tom Horsley wrote:
I'm suprised this packagekit-whatever default behaviour went into
production w/o anyone raising a red light.  Even if it's a bug.
truly surprising.
Ah, but it is highly unsafe for users to login as root because
that might cause you to open up your system to unwanted modifications.
Much better to have random root daemons running around behind your
back modifying your system instead :-).
The only exception is when you are running a home system with only a 
total of 2 or 3 users and all of the software administration is done 
strictly by one user.
I don't like having very many "background" daemons running if possible 
(one of the many reasons I dumped Windows) but dedicate background work 
to very specific run times so as to not unnecessarily tie up system 
resources that are needed elsewhere. This is why I haven't upgraded past 
F8 because this problem seems to be getting worse, not better.
Right now I have my system streamlined close to how I want it to run and 
I don't want to start over from scratch with unfamiliar packages. I 
loathe upgrades if you haven't guessed.
I feel better getting that off of my chest....


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