Re: ifdown. is it really down?

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Bruno Wolff III wrote:
I don't believe that it is normal to power down the device when ifdown is
run. So the device will still flash is traffic is sent to it.
i do not 'power down'. i just use 'ifdown eth0' in a script.

also, now thinking about mentioning it, when i bring up thunderbird, there are
double flashes, 3 to 4 more doubles, sometimes 5 of ethernet led on 2wire.

out of curiousness, with fresh boot, no 'ifup', i tried as root,

 'yum check-update'
which returned,
 'Temporary failure in name resolution')>Trying other mirror.'

 'connect: Network is unreachable'

to me, this shows tbird is doing something to flash led.

thanks for reply, bruno. open to more suggestions.




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