Re: GRUB menu video mode

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Herbert Carl Meyer wrote:
As far as grub sucking, it was written for a purpose by somebody else.
read what i wrote. i said grub stinks. that is why it is being rewritten.

manual sucks and needs to be rewritten with more information so people
can have a better understanding of what is supposed to happen. leaving
out information, causes holes. holes suck.

had i included 'grub.conf' and 'menu.lst' in my post when i discussed them,
i would have noticed that anaconda puts 'splashimage=' in 'grub.conf' by
default and asked you to '#' it out to see what happens.

from order of post, others did not have awareness either.

If you think it sucks, write something better.
If you can't write, shut up, and go away.
i can write, do, and intend to. but not for grub.

Excuse me, rude people make me rude.
you are excused. trying to help someone is not being rude.

I am very good at being rude, you
should try me in person. Bring a helmet, and some bandages.
most evident. when you grow up and gain maturity, i would not mind meeting.
i do not need a helmet nor bandages. now or later.

glad to see you have you computer problems solve so quickly. you other
problems will take you a lot longer.

good luck to you.




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