Re: BOINC again !?

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You need to open the ports in your firewall (iptables).


William Case wrote:

I am having newbie problems with boinc, ports and SELinux -- I think.

Networks and SELinux are two subjects I have put off learning to any
rudimentary depth.  So here goes.

I can get Boinc to connect to the World Community Grid immediately after
first download and install.  (I have removed it and re-installed to test
this).  But after a reboot I can no longer connect to any of the project

I went to the WCG forum and explained my problem.  The response was --
open ports 80 and 443.

'netstat' does not list 80 or 443 as present, i.e, as active.
SELinux is in permissible mode.
SELinux gives the following for those two ports.
http_port_t tcp s0 80
http_port_t tcp s0 443

So ... where do I go from here?

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