Re: Fedora/grub bug -- I think ?

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William Case wrote:
My grub.conf contains the following line.


I altered my splashimage line slightly by putting a single space
between 'splashimage=(hd1,4)' and '/grub/splash.xpm.gz'.

The (hd1,4)/grub/splash.xpm.gz is a complete path/file name. When you add a space, you created an invalid file name. Think of the difference between /var/log/messages and / var/log/messages.
When I re-booted instead of the Fedora splash image, I got a bare bones
colourless square with menu items -- which in itself is not surprising.

But also, I no longer saw a double flash of that menu.  It was a very
quick load, straight to the menu window.  I retried it with the space
removed but the whole splashimage line commented out.  Again I saw a
very quickly, single copy, skeleton menu load.

On both occasions there was not a hint of a Fedora splash image coming
from an extra stage2.
Before I make a fool of myself by reporting this as a bug, does this
look like a bug to you?  If so, why haven't others seen it.

Dumb question - is this a brief flash, like the video changing modes, and not a longer pause between displays of the menu?

  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
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