Re: What is the matter with fedora 9?

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sorry I forgot to mention that we posted the bug in bugzilla already...although it's probably really low priority since it's just a gui status bug and only the gui doesn't work ...command prompt edits fixes it...the other services that have an unknown status...well we haven't gotten around to figuring out why they are like that...will post details in bugzilla though...sorry what I meant was from fc7-8 it was a seemless upgrade but we really hit roadblocks with fc9 and we are still trying to figure out why...although honestly we are more concentrated on pg right now...we just tried fc9 and rolled back to fc8.
:( sorry again for the miscom...

----- Original Message ----- From: "Craig White" <craigwhite@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "For users of Fedora" <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: What is the matter with fedora 9?

First of all, Tom didn't qualify his comments on NetworkManager which is
very useful in some instances and apparently is installed as the default
networking daemon if you install from Live CD. His suggestion to turn it
- lacked any suggestion that you need to turn on the regular 'network'
daemon in its place instead
- lacked any consideration of wireless or dhcpcd client needs

With respect your your efforts making Fedora 9 work to your
expectations, you've sort of proven your own problems to yourself but
contributed nothing to fixing any issues that may exist. One of the
great things about this list is that if you can figure out how to ask
the questions, you can get your problems solved.


On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 07:02 +0800, Robert M. Bernabe wrote:
newbie here... trying to make linux work as a gui interface with
postgresql... found fc9 unworkable too as compared to fc8....our own opinion is that fc9 has implemented some features we don't understand. off the
bat, after installation...the samba services status appear unknown in the
services window...I think so do other services (somebody posted a reason for it I think... but it involves several 'classic' prompt windows edits...) so for now we are sticking to fc8...thankful for all the efforts plugged into the fedora project in general... but just wishing we understood the thinking
behind the changes in fc9...

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Horsley" <tom.horsley@xxxxxxx>
To: <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: What is the matter with fedora 9?

> On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 17:53:37 +0200
> fedora <fedora@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> it introduced a NetworkManager which prohibits networking.
> Don't know about the other problems, but for me this makes
> networking function just like always:
> chkconfig --level 2345 NetworkManager off
> chkconfig --level 2345 network on
> reboot
> That turns off NetworkManager and goes back to the old nasty
> stick-in-the-mud networking that actually works :-).
> NetworkManager may be good for folks with laptops who flit
> about from one hotspot to another, but it is hopeless for
> us more ordinary network users who have static IPs or even
> DHCP networks initialized at boot time and unchanging after
> that. It should never have arbitrarily been made the default.
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> fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
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