Re: Network connection issue

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Jim Douglas wrote:
Cable Modem.  It is a valid IP.  I have a second HD connected to this computer and when I switch to it I can connect to the internet no problem, I am posting from it right now..

I am thinking I may have had the "Services" window open and clicked on something by accident....

pinging is fine, a remote Ip times out...

Your dual booting fedora and windows? Fedora 8 or 9? What are the first two numbers of your IP?
An ip that starts with 169.254.x.x is not valid on any network(not 
strictly true), if you have one of these then you are not getting a 
valid ip via dhcp. If your address begins with 192.168.x.x or 172.16.x.x 
then you have a private ip, which seems likely if you can ping the 
gateway but not a remote host.  Please copy and paste the commands your 
using to ping from the terminal. Is the network manager service running? 
What is the status of the network service? Look in the services GUI and 
note the icon's color and the plug next to it. Highlight the service and 
you will get the  details. So on my f9 box the network manager shows a 
green icon and a plug that looks plugged in( service enabled and 
running), while the network service shows a red icon and a plug that is 
plugged in(service disabled and running).
On an F8 box the GUI is slightly different and does not show the helpful 
little icons but if you highlight the service it will give you a few 
details. The network manager should be running and the network service 
should show the interfaces that are configured to start at boot time and 
currently active interfaces but there probably/shouldn't  be a check in 
the box next to it.
Remember what you do every step of the way or even *better* take notes 
so you don't have to remember :^)
Why did you have the services tab open in the first place?
Have you been playing with the firewall config?

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