Re: F9 - sendmail won't send on startup?

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Timothy Murphy wrote:
Knute Johnson wrote:

I've got two installations of F9 running, one x86_64 and the other i386.
  They both fail to send email initially but if I restart sendmail they
send fine after that.  I'm using thunderbird and have it configured to
use the local sendmail for sending.  The only thing I've modified in my file is the masquerading.  Any ideas where to start looking?
It's very unlikely I can help if Craig White can't,
but doesn't it sound as if sendmail needs something that starts after sendmail in /etc/rc.d ?
Why not try "chkconfig sendmail off" and then add "service sendmail start"
to /etc/rc.d/rc.local and see if it works there.

Or you could try giving it a later prefix number in /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ ?
Thanks for the suggestions, unfortunately neither work.

Knute Johnson

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