Re: Any hope of KDE 3.5 in F10? I want it too !

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Kevin Kofler wrote:
Mike Bird <mgb-fedora <at>> writes:
I'm expecting KDE 4.2 or KDE 4.3 to be suitable for prime time.
They should arrive in Fedora in May 2009 and November 2009.
I can't promise anything at this time (also because upstream hasn't decided on 
a schedule for 4.2 yet, at least not that I know of), but KDE 4.2 could hit 
Fedora as soon as February 2009, as a Fedora 10 (maybe also Fedora 9) update. 
All this is not decided yet (and again, it also depends on upstream), but it is 
no way a sure thing that 4.2 will only hit in May.

Inhale - hold - exhale - pause - repeat.  ;-)

You KDE people (team?) are doing a fine job.


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