Re: Any hope of KDE 3.5 in F10? I want it too !

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Mike Bird wrote:
On Fri June 20 2008 16:33:27 David Boles wrote:
This thread has become a whiners contest. Who can whine the longest or the
loudest. Or both.
We surrender David.  You win.

Hi Mike. I was not looking for that.  ;-)

Linux is choice. You chose what to use, or not to use. You also get to keep
the pieces when it breaks.

I don't know you age. There was a BBS program named OPUS back before The
Internet. A community project. It worked really well but it took a lot of
work, by hand no GUI stuff, to get it to work.

Their disclaimer was something like 'If you break it you get to keep the
pieces'. I feel the same way about Linux. Learn what you are doing and know
before you start. Or? "'If you break it you get to keep the pieces'"  ;-)

Seriously. Look first. It works better that way.

Have a good night.


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